What a difference a weekend makes! Coming off of the steroids has helped me return to sleep, which is a great thing. I’ve decided I am married to a saint–he’s stood by and watched the meltdowns and felt the undeserved wrath of “sleepless Anne.” A friend told me long ago that I didn’t do tired well. She’d run screaming from the building if she’d seen the last week or two! 🙂
Anyway, there’s not much of an update past that, except to say that I think the radiation is helping the pain. I can feel a big difference, and I can move around easier. I can’t say enough good things about the care I’ve received at The Medical Center Radiation Oncology unit. They are the most compassionate people! And Dr. Smith’s office is, as always, great. The shots in the hiney are bearable, because they try so hard not to hurt you. They’re so kind and caring. If you have to meet someone in this situation, you want it to be people like this. They’re truly wonderful.
I’ll close today with one of Mike’s and my favorite poems. It was the theme from Star Trek Enterprise a few years ago, and I fell in love with it. This is the chorus, and you can see why it means a lot. Mike had Terry Caturano do the entire song in calligraphy, and I keep it in my office so I can see it and be inspired by it.
Everyone, thanks again, and keep on keepin’ on!! Love, Anne
Cause I’ve got faith of the heart.
I’m going where my heart will take me.
I’ve got faith to believe. I can do anything.
I’ve got strength of the soul. And no one’s gonna bend or break me.
I can reach any star.
I’ve got faith.
I’ve got faith, faith of the heart.