July 29, 2008

YEA! #10 is over. And according to Dr. McGahan the pain is a normal result of becoming more active in the last week or so. So I guess moving more normally, turning, walking, etc., has been the culprit. He gave me something that will make it easier to function at work, and still conquer the pain. Yippee!

It will take 4 to 6 weeks to actually see the results of the radiation, and I go back for a re-check in 3 weeks. That’s my big dr. week: Dr. Reed, Dr. Haase, Dr. McGahan, Dr. Smith. Those guys are gonna be really sick of me by then, lol!

I told everybody at the radiology unit how much I loved them, and hoped I wouldn’t see them again, hehe. Of course, they said the same.

On the house renovation side: we ran into trouble getting sinks for the new bathroom. Mike drove to Franklin to get the ones we liked. Turns out Lowe’s down there had the full units. Not that they’d send them up here! NO. But he took matters into his own hands and went after them. What a good man, Charlie Brown! Gotta love him, haven’t you?

That’s enough for one day. I’m much relieved tonight. Thanks for all the pats on the back, Folks! We love you all.

AND, Ron is doing better tonight. Shew! Thanks for the prayers.
