June 1, 2014

There’s not a huge amount to add this month. I am still on the Haloven. we are going to give it another round or two to see if it will do its thing. Meanwhile I had a fluid draw last Thursday. The Friday before Memorial Day Dr. Smith ordered an x-ray, since he detected fluid when listening. They offered to draw it off that day, but it usually takes me a day or two (or more) to get over that so I decided to wait until my scheduled appointment with Dr. Lanier, the following Thursday. Glad I did, since Memorial Day weekend turned into a super busy one. I felt pretty good, other than the shortness of breath, so it turned out for the best.

This weekend hasn’t been quite so good. Probably because I not only had fluid drawn, but also had a treatment on Friday. I stayed in most of Saturday and all day Sunday. Thankfully Friday night wasn’t too bad. We had the opportunity to go to a small dinner party and meet Mary McDonough, the girl who played Erin Walton on the tv show The Waltons. She was in Bowling Green speaking at a Chamber of Commerce breakfast, on behalf of the library. Lisa happened to mention looking for a place to take her to dinner Friday and our friend Pam offered to cook for her. And then she thoughtfully included us as well. It was a great evening. I’m reading her book now, Lessons from the Mountain, about her life behind the scenes on the show. Quite interesting, since she literally grew up playing the character.

We have done a little work around the house lately. Well, mainly getting furniture updates. And donating old things to some charities. BRASS (the spouse abuse center) and Habitat’s ReStore have been the recipients of several old pieces of furniture, while we got a couple of pieces for the den to replace a very worn out couch and chair (had that chair since pre-marriage days!). We’re waiting on the upholsterer to collect some antique pieces and get them redone in a long overdue facelift. The parlor will be pretty empty ’til that furniture is back, but oh well.

Mike has the yard looking nice, as he plants his flowers. I’m not able to get out and help him this year. The humidity does me in pretty quickly, so I don’t stay out long at all. I hate that I don’t get to pay in the dirt a little, but I’m glad Mike is making it as gorgeous as always. This may be the year we also purge some of the “stuff” I usually put out all around the deck. It looks pretty good without all that stuff around, lol.

This Friday our friends from Kansas are passing through as they go to visit the Smokies. They’ll stop by on Friday and leave on Sunday. That will be a nice visit. It’s so good that the high school buddies have kept up with each other. I have been fortunate to get to do that a lot with Facebook. It’s funny how much fun the re-connecting has been. I keep up with what’s going on in Martinsville that way, too, which is nice.

We hope to get away for a weekend in the not too distant future. We have a weekend at a state park set aside and hope to just get away and enjoy some time chilling out. First Choice is so good to help out with extra tanks when we have a lot going on in a period of time. The tanks only last a couple of hours each, so you can burn through them pretty quickly. Especially in the heat and humidity. The portable electric tank is a lifesaver. You can plug it in while in the car, saving the tank. And then use it around the room, too. This does make you plan your days a lot.

Like I said, there’s not much to relate this month. I’ll try to get out and do a few things this week, since I have the week off from dr. visits. As well as get a little more work done in the craft room. I’ve made some sets of cards, and then some that we have been using, as well. Just a little sense of satisfaction, even if they aren’t super high quality. They are mine and I have accomplished a little. Guess I should be giving some of them away.

As usual I say thank you for all your prayers and thoughts. Keep up the prayer for the chemo treatment to do its thing. I have a feeling this little oxygen pack is my permanent companion, but if we can keep it somewhat steady that will be good. Remember my brother-in-law. He had to give up a trip to Italy this year. He was to do a good bit of hiking and now he has developed problems with walking. He has great difficulty with stairs and is trying to figure the cause. He just got over a bout with bladder cancer. Hopefully they can figure out what’s going on and he can move on from this. I will also list a former student of mine as she gets ready to deliver her 3rd baby. And has just discovered her oldest child has type 1 diabetes. The little one is just four years old, so this is rough going. Pray for the days to come for this young family. We lift up all those who need us and keep everyone close on our hearts.

Thank you to all. ‘Til next time, Anne and Mike


By Linda Leigh — Jun 2, 2014 9:58am
As always, I enjoy your updates even when the news is just everyday “stuff.” It was so good to run into you and Mike at Home Depot recently. Think of you so often and sincerely wish you good days.

By patsy sloan — Jun 2, 2014 9:36am
Prayers for you as always. Glad that Mikey has the yard work under control – he & Jay have green thumbs!

By Doug Wilcox — Jun 2, 2014 9:15am
Continuing to pray for you and Mike daily. You have overcome so much, you inspire me. Thanks for being a forever friend.

By Ted Davis — Jun 2, 2014 9:03am
Really enjoy reading your updates. Don’t get to see y’all enough.

By Beth Bishop — Jun 2, 2014 9:00am
Dear Anne, like others have said , thanks for your posting. As a non-Facebook moldie-oldie, I’m out-of-touch more than normal. I’m thinking and praying for both of you every day, and hope that the summer will improve along with you. What’s this about humidity? You’re inland….not here on the Chesapeake where the humidity is so thick we cut it with a knife and serve it to out-of-town guests as an appetizer!!
Love to you both! Beth

By Chuck and Diana Neely — Jun 2, 2014 8:52am
You and Mike are always in our thoughts and prayers.
Looking forward to seeing you soon.

By Mary Lou Kirby — Jun 2, 2014 8:06am
Thanks for keeping us posted, Anne! Pray for you daily. Enjoy the beauty of your surroundings. And kudos to you for that card making. I find that card making is great therapy for me. Immediate sense of satisfaction and it allows me to use some creativity. It’s become, for me, my best hobby. Stay strong. You have an army of prayer warriors behind you!

By Jessica Warren — Jun 2, 2014 8:03am
Hugs to you both!!!

By Miliska Knauft — Jun 2, 2014 7:52am
Hello, Anne (and Mike)!

Good to hear from you! Sounds like you are accomplishing a lot, even with your challenges. We continue to keep you both in our thoughts and prayers.

Wishing you the best always!
Terry and Miliska

By Floyda Sullivan — Jun 2, 2014 7:47am
Anne, you are always in my prayers and so is Mike

By Rhonda Bartley — Jun 2, 2014 6:37am
Always thinking of you and praying for you and Mike.

By beverly siegrist — Jun 2, 2014 6:29am
Anne, took a quick trip to the Garden Patch this weekend few butterfly attracting plants. Thought of you and sent a special prayer your way. You are an amazing woman.

By Debi Wade Jordan — Jun 2, 2014 2:37am
Thinking of you each and every day. Love you!

By Betsy (Hirst) Sheppard — Jun 1, 2014 10:45pm
Keep us posted! How neat to get to meet Mary McDonough. I saw a photo of her on Facebook when she was in BG. I’m glad you have fun plans for a weekend and friends visiting. Count on prayers from me for sure. Thanks for the updates on your brother-in-law and friends too. I’m crossing my fingers for some good news next posting. I will be praying and also thinking of you. XOXOXOXO