(Letters to the Editor)
Mr. Simers and esteemed citizens of Los Angeles, let me take this opportunity to introduce myself.
My name is Anne Grubbs, and I am a transplanted resident of Bowling Green. For years I considered myself to still be a Virginian – a proud and somewhat snobbish Virginian at that. Thanks to your recent column, I am now transferring my pride to this city, this university and this great commonwealth.
Mr. Simers, you must lead a very lonely life. How can you be so hateful to a city you obviously know so little about? You indicate our only claims to fame are “Smallville” star Michael Rosenbaum and rap group Nappy Roots. I’m assuming you’ve not heard of director John Carpenter, astronaut Terry Wilcutt, musician Billy Vaughn, longtime U.S. Congressman William H. Natcher, pop group The Hilltoppers, legendary basketball coach Clem Haskins, AIDS researcher Gene Shearer, cake-mix baron Duncan Hines, photographer Neil Budde and many more.
By the way, you can find these people on the Internet if you’ve not heard of them.
The consolation is that you were equally rude to your own team. Are the citizens of Bowling Green and Kentucky offended by your rudeness? You bet. You’ve single-handedly created a bad impression of the people of your fine state in the minds of our citizenry.
Oh, and by the way, for a man who writes a sports column, you’re somewhat ignorant. E. A. Diddle, the coach here for 42 years, was one of the winningest coaches in basketball history. Again, check the Internet.
Here’s our NCAA history, not counting NIT appearances: 1940, 1960 (Sweet 16), 1962 (Sweet 16), 1966 (Sweet 16), 1967, 1970, 1971 (Final Four), 1976, 1978 (Sweet 16), 1980, 1981, 1986 (2nd Round), 1987 (2nd Round), 1993 (Sweet 16), 1994, 1995 (2nd Round), 2001, 2002, 2003.
Have a great day, Mr. Simers.
Anne Grubbs
Bowling Green
Grubbs, Anne (2008, April). L.A. columnist has no idea about our city. Bowling Green Daily News. Retrieved from http://www.bgdailynews.com/opinion/letters_to_the_editor/l-a-columnist-has-no-idea-about-our-city/article_60fafa31-0afb-549c-9225-9134eb12d1ad.html