Spring is springing! – March 23, 2014

Getting around to an update. Not a lot has changed, though it seems things have happened. So let’s begin.

After two treatments of the newer chemo, I went back for a CT Scan and they found more fluid. (from last time)Dr. Lanier took it off and we kept going on this chemo again. I went back and was doing pretty well, no draining that time. Three weeks out I was beginning to accumulate again, so he took some off. He swears it was less. Couldn’t prove it by me. I looked, for the first time. Looked like an awful lot. Dr. Smith thought it was significant. The point was, he (Dr. L) wanted to get rid of it before it became a problem and I was “in trouble.” All of this into account, Dr. Smith couldn’t decide whether to continue the same chemo or change. So he did one more blood test–tumor markers. That’s usually reserved for bone only, but he thought he needed it. Well, for the first time in absolutely ages, the markers went down. So, I did another round of the same chemo. It went really well. No reaction to the meds this time, so they were able to give it at the same rate of speed and I was in and out quicker. The Benadryl didn’t even make me quite as drowsy. Yay! All in all I did not feel as icky this time as the previous. You do develop a tolerance as you go through the process. A good thing, for sure!

Meanwhile, I go back April 2 for another x-ray (yes, I glow in the dark) to check fluid. Dr. Lanier will see what needs to be done. I’m not sure. I can go without the O2 when I’m sitting still. Like at lunch today–I took it off while I ate,, and put it on to walk to the car. And I did OK. And a little bit around the house. On the other hand, I do feel wheezy at times. We won’t know if it’s accumulating until he takes a look. It’s pretty hard to judge. Then on the 9th I go back to Dr. Smith and he will determine where we go from here. Each visit is a little bit of a guessing game, but that’s OK. I still feel pretty good. Just get tired.

WHen I said a bit had happened, one thing is the continued nausea. I just don’t seem to be able to shake that. And it’s not just after treatment, so we can’t attribute it to the medicine. After talking over issues with Dr. Smith (including all out vomiting at times), he thinks my system is just messed up from all the medicines and things going on. So I am on with I call a “digestive aid” medicine. You take it four times a day–before meals and at bedtime (if I remember!). It’s not just something you take when you feel bad. It seems to be working. I’ve been on it for going on 2 weeks, and I have not been sick at all. Nauseous after the treatment, but I can deal with that. No more upset tummy. Hallelujah! My fear has been that it would hit me when out in public. Because once it strikes there is no stopping it. At all. This is a Godsend. Cross your fingers and send up a little prayer that it continues to do its thing. My system thanks you.

Another thing with this chemo: my hair is coming back. OK, not enough to ditch the cover ups. But it is coming back. I know: TMI. But I shaved my legs the other day. Woo hoo! I guess. That might have been a perk, not having to shave. tee hee. We’ll see if this is a continued trend or just short term.

We’re perking right along here at home. I’m getting some things done around the house soon. About to get some furniture re-upholstered. That is the scariest thing in the world to me. Picking fabric you have to live with for ages……………..wish me luck. And then the rug to go with the redo. Oy! It’ll happen and it will be good. This is mostly Granny’s furniture, by the way. And I am not doing it the way it “always has been.” That is another thing that makes it so scary, I guess. Next, finding a new yard/handyman type. Mike’s back has been acting up again. The herniated disc has reared its ugly head, so he is not allowed to dabble in the yard as before. Hopefully the gentleman who helps one of our neighbors can step in. He has done things for us before. Just been a couple of years. I’ll give him a buzz and see what happens.

The pets continue to be spoiled rotten having me home with them. The cat lives for our afternoon nap. He crawls up on my legs and stretches out full length for his nap and cuddle time. Crazy kitty. And Lucy just likes the company. (she’s not a cuddler.)

My mother-in-law had quite an experience at her retirement facility recently. It was invaded by the Noro Virus (like on the cruise ships). Everyone was quarantined in their apartments. Food was delivered to them and the entire facility was scrubbed clean. I guess they did their apartments, too. Poor thing. She was captive for what I think was about 10 days. Not totally sure.

Good news: we are expecting a great niece or nephew. Nephew Drew and his wife Lindsay are expecting. Exciting times! Especially since I am totally into baby shopping lately. Birthdays for a 1 year old, a 2 year old, and a baby shower have me ready to shop. Online,of course. I was recently interviewed by our local paper about online shopping. If it didn’t exist I’d be in a world of hurt. My days of cruising the mall are done. I now cruise the net. Or hit one store. Give me one store at a time. 🙂

Dr. Russell received a lifetime achievement award from Fountain Square Players. So deserving. He is doing well, all things considered. When you say your prayers, please add my friend Jaquatta Summers and her husband Dale. He has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Also, my friend Debi’s niece. She has CP, and recently had a stint with a semi-catatonic state. No explanation found. the poor child goes through so much. Keep Leah in your prayers.

Like I said, I don’t have too much news. I’m just soooo happy that spring is here. I know everyone is. I was feeling pretty trapped this winter, with the severe cold temps. Enjoy the glorious weather and sunshine. April showers will come soon enough.

Love to everyone. And love to my church family for all the things they do for us every day. From prayers, to food, to books and suggestions of books. All is so appreciated.

More to come after the upcoming Dr. visits. And remember: God is good. All the time. All the time, God is good.
