Anthem & Graves-Gilbert Insurance Spat May Cost Residents

If you’re under Anthem Blue Cross-Blue Shield, your insurance policy could change in less than a month.

The insurance provider is currently embroiled in a contract dispute with Graves-Gilbert Clinic.

“It adds to whatever is gong on with you physically, its another stresser when you start thinking about these concerns,” says Anne Grubbs.

Grubbs of Community Education is looking hard at the outcome of the divide between insurance company Anthem and Graves-Gilbert.

Not only for her 7 other co-workers on the plan … but for herself.

“Honestly because I have a chronic illness the fact that I might have to leave those doctors is extremely disturbing,” notes Grubbs.

The problem is Graves-Gilbert is seeking an increase in its rate of re-reimbursement.

Something it says it hasn’t had in 4 years.

However, Anthem says the facility is asking for way too big of an increase.

“The 20 percent increase that they’re requesting is several times the rate of inflation. That’s a burden that is more than our customers can bear,” says Anthem spokesperson, Tony Felts.

Although contract negotiations have been on-going for months, those most affected didn’t get the news until about two weeks ago.

But if the issue can’t be resolved by the end of the current contract on December 31st, thousands in our area will see a major change in their policies, going from “in-network” to “out of network”.

However, Anthem vows to still work with patients even without a formal contract.

“We’ve told our members if that happens, that we’ll continue to process claims from Graves-Gilbert in-network,” adds Felts.

In Graves-Gilbert’s letter to patients, it says going that route will “create confusion, and is designed to put you in the middle of this conflict”.

Grubbs says in all this talk of money, one thing shouldn’t be forgotten.

“Its about the people,” says Grubbs.

CEO of Graves-Gilbert Chris Thorn tells WBKO, contract negotiations are still ongoing.

He adds that Tuesday both sides had a phone conference in an attempt to iron out their differences.


Dearbone, Ryan (2009, December). Anthem & Graves-Gilbert Insurance Spat May Cost Residents. Retrieved from