January 22, 2009

Good news: the bathroom renovation is done!

Bad news: I used the shower for the first time yesterday and the tub leaked. If I ever see that first contractor again there could be a 911 call involved! Oh well. . .. But Mike is handling it–calmly as usual. Good thing we’re complete opposites on the Meyers Briggs profile, because my 100% emotional reaction would be a bad thing!

Things are perking along. Work is busy, busy, busy. It’s that bee thing, you know, with our adult spelling bee fundraiser. But I think we’re on track more or less. The troops are rallying.

Folks at church are taking care of us, thanks to a pesky little choir director who shall remain nameless (LOVE YOU, GIRL!) One night a week there will be a wonderful home cooked meal. Boy, is my hubby a happy man. No more tv dinners or happy meals! We are so blessed to have such a wonderful church family. The gesture means as much if not more than the food, actually. Makes us feel “wrapped in a blanket of love!”

Back to the salt mines, aka spelling word definitions. Everyone have a great day. I’ll check in after next month’s dr. visit.
